Tuesday, September 30, 2014


With a full fat belly makes you lack of confidence leads to much affect to health and life. So, how to lose belly fat fast?
One of the reasons that you have oversized round 2 is due to unscientific eating habits. Starting by adjusting diet and add some following tips will help you get smart diet contributes to reduce belly fat quickly bring to you round 2 most attractive.

1. Drink water with lemon before breakfast 30 minutes

Lemon is one of those top foods that help reduce belly fat thanks to vitamin C to boost metabolism promote digestion, eliminate fat more quickly.
Combined with Honey that has low energy brings vitamin mineral needed to avoid effective appetite suppressant.
This combination is the solution lose belly fat fast without compromising health, every morning you just about 300 ml of water mixed with lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey taken before breakfast 30 minutes, persist done in about 1 month time you will notice the difference.

2.  Breakfast with chocolate

According to the research results of Professor Daniela Jakubowicz (University of Tel Aviv (Israel)) have proven to assist reduce belly fat effectively, instead of normal breakfast, you can eat a chocolate cake every morning, because it guarantees to provide you the necessary energy about 600calo including proteins and sugars that will help you control your appetite throughout the day.

3. Eating vegetables salad appetizer before a meal

By eating salad vegetables before eating other foods in your diet will provide you with sufficient water content, vitamins, minerals, fiber, especially good for the digestive system gives you the feeling faster satiety, limiting appetite and eat less to help reduce belly fat faster.
In order to this diet tips promote the most effective, you should note that salads are not fat like cheese mashed, sauces, cream or fat ...

4. Use the small red dish

The use of small red dish works better support for weight loss with small dishes will minimize food and eat just enough to help you, and help you become aware of your need to eat drinking to lose weight.
Particularly with the use of red dishes effects weight loss is because according to the research results of the Italian scientists demonstrated that the use of red plate will eat less than other color dish. In summary the use of small red dish will help you eat less to lose belly fat more effectively.

5. Eating singum sweets before meals

According to a study by nutritionists Islands Rhodes University, the chewing singum can reduce calorie consumption, increase energy consumption by controlling appetite and burning about 50 calories carry weight loss results is surprisingly effective.
So combine singum chewing before meals with a healthy diet and regular exercise will help you get back round 2 slimmer.

6. Maintain a habit of eating slowly and chew thoroughly
With scientific eating habits, which will help absorb food better and remove toxins from the body fat easier and also bring special satiety, food restriction loaded into the body to reduce belly fat faster. Maintain this routine will help overweight people soon get slender physique like that.

7. Drinking green tea every day
Green tea is considered as a beverage support weight loss thanks to EEG levels helps promote digestive system work better, accelerate the dissolved substances in the blood, fat oxidation, helps prevent fat accumulation in the lower abdomen, lose weight fast.

If you want to know more about 7 scientific diets to reduce belly fat quickly, you can find out the programVenus Factor” – This is a program designed for only women. From many researches and with the unique training program and good advice from Venus factor, every woman can fulfill their dream of a beautiful shape. This is not frustrated but it is really effective when they follow this program.
With Venus Factor, there will be a range of strategies that override the metabolic system and the metabolism will become faster even they are on diet. And the result is they can lose weight as they want.

If you want to know clearly about this program, its advantages and disadvantages of this program in order to give clear direction for their needs, objective self-assessment about this, you should see the article: “Venus factor” review- The best weight loss program for women now?
If people wish to get more information of the product, get a direct access to the official site: http://adola.net/go/venusfactor/

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Gym Exercises to Lose Belly Fat for Men

Gym exercises to lose belly fat for men, it’s very essential for men with a belly fat, it makes them feel unconfident. Gym is no longer a novel option to get in shape men, but besides that it is also a destination of these gentlemen want to lose belly fat fast.
So what are the advantages of doing gym to help improve male physique as well as avoid beer belly efficiently and how to do gym to achieve the best results? The following information will help you answer these questions

Why gym to help lose belly fat fast?

Fitness activities have the most direct impact on fat tissue, especially fat around the belly area. When choosing a gym exercises then you will be more favorable than the ability to promote fat burning workout. Because:
Firstly:  In the gym equipped you with many different instruments, you can select and train the best possible.
The exercise equipment usually mostly lifting, treadmill, ... and each exercise has an impact on every part of the body not just belly, so losing weight to get strong toned physique will so much easier.

Secondly: When you choose how to reduce belly fat by going to the gym you will get advice specific instructions of the teacher in the gym then your workout plan is more reasonable scientific with exercise patience, you will get the highest weight loss results possible.
Thirdly: The gym in a long time not only help you resolve the belly fat situation, but also helps the body form muscular, healthy toned physique.

 How to do gym to lose belly fat fast?

The gym required techniques and more effort, so, in order to get the best results and avoid affecting your health, then you're in middle age need to have the advice of the doctors, which better understand their ability to exercise and gym schedule more reasonable....
When going the gym center, you should state the current status of his health for the gym instructor so that they can help you overcome these disadvantages and promote the advantages of the body, it is important to help you lose belly fat fast.
When the gym, you should remember the fat dosage reduced following body movement rather than the difficulty of the movements. So, make sure to set your timetable to steady and persevering in the long run, to set at least 30 hours / week and every time at least 1 hour can get results as expected.

To the gym to help you get the desired shape, choosing the timing of exercise and combine with proper nutrition you should not ignore.
It is best to do in the morning and can drink a glass of milk before going to the gym for 30 minutes. And if you do afternoon, you can eat snack before training about 45-60 minutes, the body should not be too hungry before practice. Especially, do not forget to drink water after about 20-30 minutes of exercise.
If the first gym, you need to follow the guide's instructions and make gentle movements, should not try to do difficult exercise and you can gradually increase the severity of exercise over time.
There should be duration for the muscles, joints relax, rest, dry sweat after the end of exercise before bathing because if the body was drenched sweat it leads to many bad consequences of health, prone to colds and arthritis.

If you want to know more about Gym exercises to lose belly fat for men and get 6 packs you can find out the programThe Truth about Abs” – This program is created by author Mike Geary, who is a certified personal trainer as well as nutritional specialist. This program is really good for the people who want to burn fat and get a flat body. This program comes with diet advice and it is really comprehensive way for those who want to lose body fat.
This program will help you find the right type food and the right kind of exercise for your flat body.
With detailed instruction and visual illustrations for key compound exercises enhancing muscle tone and helping the body to access its fat stores. For numerous effective exercises which are designed to practice at your home, this can help you save quite a lot of money which you may have to pay for gym membership.

If you want to know clearly about this program, its advantages and disadvantages of this program in order to give clear direction for their needs, objective self-assessment about this, you should see the article: “The truth about abs” review – How to get a six pack fast?

If people wish to get more information of the product, get a direct access to the official site: http://adola.net/go/truthaboutabs/

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

4 Exercises to Help Reduce Waist Size

Exercises to help reduce waist size effectively. Round 2 (waist) oversized makes you lose confidence when you want to look skimpy outfits, sexy. Apply the following exercises to help strengthen health and make it is slimmer very fast.
Fat accumulation in round 2 not only leads to loss of confidence, but also the cause of some diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, weight loss plan is very necessary at this time.
If you have adopted a variety of methods, but do not reduce the number of measurements within 2 effectively you can apply some exercises for yourself below.

Exercise Afata
Upright, feet close together.
Raised his right hand across his head, elbows bent
Left hand on hip
2 springy legs: left knee bent forward, then lift the left heel up, and hit butt to the left hand side
Implementing change hands, change sides.
Doing this exercise everyday will help you reduce waist size significantly.

Exercise Padder
Sit on the floor with knees bent posture bent but still keep your feet hit the floor all the way down.
The head is held straight, put your hands up to his chest, arms, and shoulders a little broader.
Slowly raise the legs up so that your legs parallel to the floor.
Implementation of motion and body 45 degrees to the left, combining hand postures such as boating.
To implement the change

Exercise leg kicks Pisao Kick
Upright position, wide leg with the butt, hand held loosely in front of the chest, elbow to bend.
Lift the left leg up, knees toward chest.
Horizontal rotation right foot, left foot and kicked sideways, parallel to the floor, hands should be kept private, loosely holding his left hand to the side.
Do 5-10 times then switch legs.
This exercise is very good for your health and it also makes your waist thinner.

Exercise Windshield Wiper
Supine position, arms spread both sides, palms facing. Note to manually lower the shoulder a bit.
Close your legs together and stretched out his legs so that the legs with the body forming the right angle of 90 degrees.
Tighten the abdominal muscles; push your legs tilt to the right, hold for 5 seconds then return leg posture straight upwards. Continue to switch sides.

To lose weight successfully you need patience perform exercises regularly and continuously. In addition, combining exercise with diet and proper rest in order to achieve the highest results.
Besides, you should also stay away from stimulants such as cigarettes, beer, wine and snacks, canned goods and bottled soft drinks.

If you want to know more about exercises to help reduce waist size only for women, you can find out the programVenus Factor” – This is a program designed for only women. From many research and With the unique training program and good advice from Venus factor, every women can fulfill their dream of a beautiful shape. This is not frustrated but it is really effective when they follow this program.
With Venus Factor, there will be a range of strategies that override the metabolic system and the metabolism will become faster even they are on diet. And the result is they can lose weight as they want.

If you want to know clearly about this program, its advantages and disadvantages of this program in order to give clear direction for their needs, objective self-assessment about this, you should see the article: “Venus factor” review- The best weight loss program for women now?
If people wish to get more information of the product, get a direct access to the official site: http://adola.net/go/venusfactor/

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How to Lose Weight Intensively with Bitter Melon

 Lose weight with bitter melon has been scientifically proven to be highly effective, safe and without side effects. This weight loss used in many countries particularly Japan, China and America.
The important point of using bitter melon during weight loss is that you do not need to diet. This is considered good news for a lot of women are unhappy with the strict diet to reduce belly a few inches.
When losing weight by bitter melon, you can eat everything, eat how much you like. In addition to sleeping, your workout is not as difficult as before.
Reason bitter melon can help you lose weight because this fruit inhibitory effects of PPAR agencies, the main cause of diabetes and high cholesterol, defeating the original fat and waste them quickly, thoroughly from the body.

Why bitter melon helps to lose weight?
In bitter melon fruit contains a number of substances that work to reduce blood sugar levels, help prevent cancer and weight loss.
Components of bitter melon include: protid glucid, cellulose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1 and vitamin C and amino acids such as adenine, betaine.
With ingredients such bitter melon works super speed weight loss; reduce fat in the thighs, abdomen, and shoulders very effective.
Eating bitter melon often help stabilize and lower blood sugar.
Reducing blood fat, fatty liver, kidneys
Limiting artery blockage
Lose weight, lose belly fat mainly, and fat back, shoulders, neck.

Use bitter melon how to lose weight effectively?
To lose weight with bitter melon fruit you can use these foods daily in dishes such as bitter gourd fried eggs, stuffed bitter melon soup.
You can also homemade bitter melon tea help you lose weight quickly.

10 Bitter melon fruit
Cut bitter gourd into thin slices and dried out and place in sealed container until use.
When you grab a handful drinking bitter melon tea dried and mixed. Drink about 800ml a day to achieve effective weight loss.
Wisdom bitter melon tea is effective not only loses weight but also helps clear heat, detoxify effectively. You can also use bitter melon tea is very good for treating acne.
Bitter melon juice

1 bitter melon fruit
A little ice
1 bit of lemon juice
A teaspoon of honey
Bitter melon washed clean, sliced ​​just right
Take a blender grind with water and then filter or directly by pressing juicer.
 After getting bitter melon juice you add a little lemon and honey to stir, add ice for easy drinking.

Bitter melon minimum amount that you need to give your body a day to lose weight effectively is from 2-3 fruit. You should remember washed, seeded and eaten raw like other fruits to achieve the best performance.

If you want to know more about how to lose weight with bitter melon, you can find out the program Fat Loss Factor – Dr. Charles Livingston is the founder of this program and he is also a chiropractor and wellness professional nutrition and diet expert and author.
I put a belief in this author because his product is known as one of the bestselling products in the market. Moreover, you can lose nothing when getting this system because it offers a 60-day money back guarantee in case you are unhappy with it.

If you want to know clearly about this program, its advantages and disadvantages of this program in order to give clear direction for their needs, objective self-assessment about this, you should see the article: “Fat Loss Factor” Review – How to Lose Body Fat Fast?
If people wish to get more information of the product, get a direct access to the official site: http://www.fatlossfactor.com/

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